Pleasure on Purpose Program
Somatic Release Mastery Program for WomenIt’s Time to Unleash Your Wild Feminine!
She is the one that makes you unstoppable…
The one that attracts anything you desire in life…
The one that lives, walks and speaks her truth…
And the Pleasure on Purpose Mastery Program for Women is the path to unleash her!
When you are fully EMBODIED in your WILD FEMININE you can bring you MORE LOVE into your life AND….
Become more crystal clear soul purpose, happiness, and fulfillment…
Have more opportunities to be free, especially of any sexual guilt, shame or trauma…
Embody more knowledge around how to experience relationships that are drama-free…
Become in more alignment to call in a life partner who will absofuckinglutely worship and adore you…
Have more mind-blowing sex that is filling you up on all levels…
Reclaim more remembrance of your feminine beauty, your wildness, your passion, and your amazing self…
We are one hundred percent confident that we can help you with all of the above!
You may have found us because…
- You often feel like you are too much, and then again not enough.
- You are looking for love, deep connection, and ways how to make that happen for you.
- You have been hurt in the past in your relationships and you wonder if there will ever be that partner that can completely meet you in your greatness.
- You have done a ton of spiritual work, self-empowering, personal growth, and all that jazz, but you still feel like there is something you are missing as you go to all these circles and you end up going IN circles.
- You know you have a purpose and either are already living it or looking for ways to do so.
- You are frustrated about your sex life and not feeling fulfilled in it.
- You are looking for a change, a shift, and you want it fast, lasting and powerful.
- You are ambitious and show up fully in all you do.
- In your amazing go-getter attitude in life and at work you are wondering how you can be more feminine.
And you are ready to become a woman who claims her PLEASURE and lives her life on PURPOSE!
Take your first step to unleash the wild woman you truly are....
No woman is too much or too big for us.
Bring it on, bring her on, turn her on, make her come alive!
We wanna hear you roar!
Today as I watch the sunrise (after our session) I am softer yet stronger, more feminine, supportive, loving, and trusting in the masculine.
Today I feel FREE! Today I love me! Today I can’t wait to see who I connect with! Today feels like the first day of my life since I was a very young girl!
A Mastery Program for the Embodied Woman
The Unleash Your Wild Feminine Experience
Imagine how your life would be when you erase ALL past pain, trauma, negative thoughts, limiting beliefs and self-judgment?
Not just the surface stuff, but the actually ROOT of all the core issues that currently hold your back (both conscious and unconscious)!
This mastery program is unlike anything you’ve experienced before. It is deep, it is thorough, and we leave no stone unturned. The issues reside in your tissue…. That is why we take a somatic approach that no amount of talk therapy can begin to touch.
Together we will birth your highest Self, your divine feminine, your authentic self-expression, and your inner lover to attract your partner into your life (or upgrade your current relationship).
You don’t have to do it the hard way, and you don’t have to try and do it alone anymore. We can do it together… and we can do it fast!
I know, big promises… but we have seen it happen over and over again with our soul-clients who complete the Pleasure on Purpose Mastery Program.
Learn More About the Pleasure on Purpose™ Healing System
Probably the most noteworthy shift that has happened is my relationship situation. As you may remember, at the time of our session I was dating a guy who, despite his wonderful qualities, was entirely the wrong fit for me. I broke up with him about a week after my session with you, which felt a bit challenging, but very much like I was saying to myself, “Instead of settling, I deserve a partner who can meet me,” and creating space for this new man to come through.
Fast forward 2-3 weeks later… Through a series of amazing synchronicities, lightning bolts of inspiration and lots of saying YES, I enjoyed my first date with a magical, grounded, incredibly sexy man. A month later, we are totally enchanted by each other and thoroughly enjoying building our heart-centered, sensual, soul-connected, tantric, silly, trusting, vulnerable, communicative and explosively sexual relationship!
I have NEVER felt as free as I do now to fully express my inner Sex Goddess, and never before have I been met by a man who can actually hold that space with me!
How the Pleasure on Purpose™ System Works
Pleasure on Purpose™ Healing sessions are 3 hours in duration and are always performed with both Jonathan and Dr. Heike (or another trained practitioner) working together and as a team. It is recommended that you commit to a series of sessions for the best results.
The first half will bring up and release unconscious blocks, limiting beliefs, trapped emotions, and negative past experiences. The second half of the session fills up the spaces that have been cleared with pleasure, accompanied by powerful affirmations.
Pleasure on Purpose™ is not Tantra, surrogacy, or OMing. Our exceptionally solid and clear boundaries are an important piece of what creates the safest container you have ever had to let go completely. We pride ourselves on a level of professionalism in session and follow The Association of Certified Sexological Bodyworkers and The Association of Somatic and Integrative Sexologists Professional Codes of Ethics.
If you should feel that working with us is right for you, you must apply and be accepted for the program:
It’s time to wake up and fully embody your Pleasure on Purpose!
It is time to be FREE of any sexual shame, guilt or trauma and live your life FULLY!
It is time to get activated, initiated, prepared and cleansed of all the past baggage so you can do your soul work – and even better – side by side with your beloved who is waiting for YOU to become a fully EMBODIED WOMAN!
Come Unleash Your Wild Feminine and let’s talk about The Pleasure on Purpose Healing System and how it is exactly what you have been looking for…
Call (upon) us: 800-928-9837
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